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Medical Professional


Local trained professionals


At HarmonyMe in Basingstoke, we offer a specialised service for ear wax removal using micro suction and irrigation.  With our expert care, clients can experience relief from discomfort and improved auditory clarity without the risk of injury associated with traditional  ear syringing and ear candles. Our micro suction procedure is quick, safe, and ensures a harmonious experience for all our clients seeking ear wax removal services.


Cryosurgery is an advanced freezing innovation that is fact, effective, and safe for the removal of benign skin lesions on the face and body. CryoPen® Cryosurgery devices deliver an ultracold jet of high-pressure nitrous oxide directly on to skin lesions. The nitrous oxide destroys the skin tissue by freezing the intercellular fluid and forming ice shards that rupture the cell membrane, detroying the cells. The ultra-cold nitrous oxide cuts off the blood supply during the freezing process, ensuring the client’s safety during the process.

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